Susan Fink

What best describes the theme for Susan's most recent work is combining geometric and organic shapes to create colorfully dynamic non-objective compositions using mark-making and paint. There is the play with ambiguity of line, shape and form, while pushing the balance of light and dark value, solidity and transparency with positive and negative space to question. At the same time, she leaves room for spontaneity and playfulness with the possibility of a successful accident. Susan's contemporary abstract art style is reminiscent of some earlier abstract expressionist artists such as Adolph Gottlieb with his symbolic, minimalist works, the large bold shapes of Robert Motherwell and Wassily Kandinsky with his lyrically colorful use of organic and geometric shapes.

Susan makes art because she enjoys the process of  discovery. Her work is a reaction to her environment, composing works that eliminate what is there in favor of what isn't because the "what isn't" has yet to be discovered.

Susan is a native of Miami, but lived in Maui, Hawaii for a decade. She has been in the arts her entire adult life, for in the early years she had a career as a graphic designer and art director, eventually running her own graphic design business. Later she gave up the business and became a painter. With a Bachelors degree and a major in Fine Art, Susan continues to explore other art forms to include photography, printmaking and ceramics. She has been represented by several galleries, has shown in numerous juried art shows and her work has been collected internationally. She was also an art educator for Maui Community College and for a decade, an Art Educator for the Florida Public School System. Now, once again, Susan has reclaimed her position as a significant visual artist, showing in local venues with international exposure.