Rommel Ricaurte

The love of nature has been embodied in the fine stainless steel creations of Rommel and Courtney Ricaurte. So too have the whimsical and eclectic musings taken shape in the Steel Alive series of award winning sculptures. Rommel, the designer is from a beautiful region of Ecuador and Courtney, his wife, is a native Floridian. Their joined creativity, imagination and talent has evolved into these unique, innovative pieces of art. All of the bronze shades are brought out naturally and any other color has been added by the use of paint. Rommel and Courtney have created a beautiful family and are learning through their travel and experiences.

Steel-Alive creations are a part of private collections as well as numerous public organizations in the United States. We have been honored to make creations for The City of Deltona, Charlee School of Miami, Victory School of Miami, Melting Pot Resataurant, Shelter of Abused Women in Venice and Universal Shortcase Shorts Film Festival in Orlando.