Phyllis R. Greene

Phyllis’ acrylic abstract artwork appeals to young, old and in-between, often becoming visual and conversational focal points that bring joy and intrigue to the viewer. Created intuitively, extremely spontaneous and organic, Phyllis’ artwork often evokes subconscious emotional connections to color. Hidden images often emerge as one’s imagination runs across the canvas.

She signs, titles and dates the back of each abstract allowing the collector to decide its orientation when displayed. Discovering how the painting speaks to you, the collector, choosing the orientation preferred – rotating it for a completely new experience – while seeking new inspiration over time makes her work intriguing.

Phyllis’ mind focuses on the acrylics, while the palette knife directs her to where they need to go. Loose, yet calming (and sometimes pleasingly chaotic), Phyllis’ abstracts emerge totally free from constraint. She creates paintings based upon her extensive knowledge of color theory, color harmony and the psychology of color, allowing the harmony of the hues to become the subject of her acrylic abstracts.

With palette knives, Phyllis paints using the alla prima technique (‘wet-on-wet’ or translated directly in Italian, ‘at once’) while incorporating her own “impasto-like” finesse. This creates very distinct and very stylized abstracts; rich and thickly layered with a fluid use of vibrant color. A gloss varnish is applied upon completion, conveying an intriguing feel of wet acrylics.

Recently relocating from the Atlanta, Georgia area, she currently resides in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. Visit her website for other works of art. She also has her artwork reproduced on clothing, shoes and home goods on the website.

Phyllis is socially active on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: @phyllisrgreeneart