Pen Brady

"One of the hardest things for me to do is talk about myself. So I'll start with some of the things I like:

I love the rain, being snowed in, cats, campfires, sleeping in a sleeping bag, taking care of those I love, getting up before the sun to work on my art as the rest of the household still sleeps, and the feeling of working and reworking a section of a painting, over and over, then making just the right stroke and seeing it come together.​

With my art, I want to capture the spirit and personality of my subjects. I enjoy going beyond realism in trying to bring out characteristics of the subject with line, form, and color. There are times I question the validity of my work. I want to create things that have great meaning as I see in other artists' work. I wonder if I should change what I do. Yet, when I sit down at my drawing table—this is what I want to do. I love the challenge of finding that "something" in the subject that I can portray in my own way.

This is who I am through ink and paint."