Nicky Ravine

"We are inundated with images. Snapshots. Selfies. New. Old. Icons. Blogs. Likes. The list is endless. Professional, amateur, pro-sumer, consumer everywhere and everyplace in between.

What’s an artist to do?

While working on a series of photo realistic surrealism paintings, I wanted to work with the new tools and technologies offered by the information age. Combining imagination, the Internet and photography with the “brick and mortar” of pencil, paper, brush and canvas my new approach to painting was born.

Similar to the Sculptural Collage process of Found Art, images are found and gathered via the web from all over the world. I work with amateur and award winning photographers, building up source files of various subjects, thoughts and images. All of these images and the techniques of technology are combined, altered, added to, redrawn, recombined and cast aside until the final vision emerges.

My art is conceptual. I want to visually “talk story." I land upon themes and explore them deeper because they fascinate me. This is the body of my work. I hope one of my stories fascinates you".