Mihira Karra
Mixed Media
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"Mihira Karra is a fabric collage artist based in Vienna, Virginia. She was born in India and came to the United States in 1979 to pursue graduate school She started sketching and using pastels as a child and realized her passion for portraiture and figurative art as a twelve year old when she sketched her first portraits of her great aunt and grandmother. She focused mainly on portraits of family and friends early on as she used them as live models to pose for her. She later used photographs as inspiration for figurative work. Her work in International Development has also inspired portraits of women, men and children from her travels around the world. More recently, Dr. Karra has delved into the world of fiber arts. She is fascinated with the potential of fabrics as a medium thanks to an inspiring workshop under the tutelage of renowned fabric artist Laura Breitman. She is currently �painting� with fabric and using fabric as a medium for portraits and figures. She sketches the outlines of her portraits free hand on the canvas and then paints by gluing in small pieces of fabric. She is available to do commissioned portraits similar to the ones displayed on this site. She has exhibited in several shows of the Vienna Art Society, The Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery, and the Art league of Alexandria. She won a prize in the international Art Olympiad 2015 for the portrait of her son. She has exhibited in many juried art shows including:American Fine Craft Show, Washington DC, 2016 and 2017; American Craft Council show, Baltimore 2017, 2018; Morristown Craft Fair, New Jersey 2017; CraftWesport, Connecticut, 2017, The Yellow Barn Studio, Maryland, 2017. She is also represented by the Zenith Gallery in Washington DC and has been a part of several of their shows. For originals and high quality art prints of her artwork, please contact the artist directly at: mvkarra@hotmail.com."