Marilyn Richey

The design of each unique handmade jewelry, from our Victorian necklaces to our fabulous vintage bracelets, starts with the button’s characteristics; color, size and pattern or picture and, based on those characteristics, is beaded with gemstones (onyx, agate, quartz, turquoise, jasper, jade, moonstone, coral, or opal) and/or fresh water pearls. The custom jewelry piece is handcrafted for the discriminating, sophisticated buyer who is searching for a special, collectible, work of art that can be worn.

When you see these beautiful works of art you will certainly be grateful that they have been rescued from the obscurity of an antique button box to a place of honor – truly ornaments of inestimable interest and beauty. Our antique vintage jewelry also makes great gifts for Christmas, birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day!