Lex Covato
Alexis Covato is an artist and illustrator who lives with her husband and two pugs whom make her life delightful. She studied Illustration at Columbus College of Art and Design, as well as Painting and Art History at Chatham University. Along with illustrating, LEX exhibits her paintings and mixed media images. Some recent galleries include: Space 101, SPACE, Future Tenant, The Tom Museum, Orbit Space Gallery, and Claude Gallery.
LEX is very versatile when it comes to subject matter but is known for juxtaposing the whimsical and beautiful with the absurd and sometimes bizarre in her images. Her compositions possess a unique depth that comes from studies in History, Literature, Religion, and Politics. Fluid line work, expressive figures, and colorist tendencies are stylistic components of her illustrations. Her images have been linked to Neo-Pop Surrealism, which LEX believes is a fancy “ism” for her love of classic lighting, urban line work, and distorted figures.