Ken Conger

After a rewarding career as a Virginia game warden and Alaska park ranger, Ken has carried his motivation and enthusiasm for wildlife protection over to his passion of wildlife photography. He has attained both a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree.  Ken's interest in photography began at a young age.  Wildlife photography has always been his concentration. The majority of his images utilize available early morning and late afternoon light to capture the natural color and beauty of wildlife. His photographs are primarily taken within National Parks and Fish & Wildlife Refuges and strictly of wild animals within six of the seven continents. His annual treks to remote locations are to be inspired, obtain unique images, and hopefully to educate as well as encourage viewers to connect with nature as well as consider conservation.  A published author and award winning photographer (National Wildlife Federation, National Parks Competition, Sony International Photography Contest, Popular Photography Contest), receiving “Best in Show” within art festivals, Ken's images have adorned a number of magazine covers and in numerous nature calendars. A wildlife photographer professional since 2010, Ken currently teaches wildlife photography through full day classes and private lessons, leads international photo tours and participates in art festivals along the east coast.