John Scanlan
"Thank you for your interest in Scanlans' Windows to the World fine art photography.
It all started in 1979 shortly after we first met and began photographing leisurely together. Over the next couple of years, our hobby became more serious as did our relationship. While working full-time, we began showcasing images we had taken from our favorite spots around the United States at local art shows. We began to have enough success at the shows to want to continue participating in them. Over the next couple of years, we slowly increased the number of art shows we were participating in with continued success.
In 1984 we were married after a five-year courtship and since then our goal is to make you feel as if you were passing through a window to another world. Hence, the name of our galleries, “Windows to the World.” If, in viewing our photographs, you feel a part of this past, then we have accomplished what we set out to do.
Deb and I are honored and excited by people’s enthusiasm for our work,” John says. “It’s very moving to have someone tell you they were touched by an image. We know what we like, but when other people find some meaning in what we do, we feel like we’re really making a contribution".