Jesper Johansen

"My creations evolved into pho­tographs out of my de­sire to make fun draw­ings. I soon re­al­ized that the draw­ing process was te­dious and the col­ors would never be as bright as pho­tographs taken with nat­ural light. I found var­i­ous model train fig­ures in the garage from child­hood and had an epiphany, re­al­iz­ing that, with their help, I would be able to il­lus­tate my ideas in a much more spon­ta­neous and at­trac­tive way.

When I cre­ate my pho­tographs, I use a few sim­ple guid­ing prin­ci­ples.  The first is that the pic­ture has to be pleas­ing to the eye, mean­ing it has to be of great qual­ity and color. Sec­ond, the pic­ture should make the viewer smile or, prefer­ably, laugh.  Third, the tiny peo­ple allow me to cre­ate unique an­gles on life".