Jennifer Peck
Mixed Media

Jennifer is a mixed media artist who lives in Sarasota, Florida where she creates colorful collages out of her home studio. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Colorado, followed by 25 years in the art business, she exhibits her work in galleries in Texas and Florida. Once managing galleries in San Francisco, and Austin, Jennifer has been exposed to an immense amount of art, helping her to refine her taste and develop a truly unique style.   Her work has been featured on the cover and in editorials of The Islander magazine,Coast magazine, GalvestonMonthly, The Daily News, as well as in Ticket Sarasota. The Gulf Coast beaches, birds, flowers and seasons continually provide fresh inspiration. Her mixed media works reflect island life, filled with bright-saturated colors and whimsy. Acrylic on panel, painted then collaged, her pieces are playful and happy. Text, stories and words are ripped and cut, along with decorative papers they sit on top of painted surfaces. They celebrate the beauty of coastal living and tell a story of life at the beach!

"I love being outdoors! Getting connected with nature illuminates and motivates me.  In the sun, under bright skies is when I’m the happiest, so chasing that feeling and relaying it is what moves me into the studio. Days at the beach fill me with inspiration as I am always in awe of nature, its beauty and intricacies. The birds, flowers and coastal life of the gulf are my muse and I delight in studying them and how they relate to the world.   I hope to communicate my joy in the creative process, because constructing my work is so fun for me.  My obsession with art history and drawing drove me to receive a BFA, and ever since I have been experimenting to develop work that is authentic and unique. After painting acrylic backgrounds, I create the subject matter with paper, which is cut or ripped, then layered and collaged.  Through the paper, I can offer attention to detail with a playful twist. The paper often contains text that provides something thought provoking, and threads of metallic that shine and add life to the pieces.   I regularly hear that my work makes people happy, and I am so pleased to be the conduit of that emotion for them. I believe joy, itself, does have meaning and substance, and has importance in art.  So my greatest honor has been to give back, through my work, by spreading joy to the people who view it".