James LaCasse

My sculpture strives to express the human experience in its myriad of forms through the use of museum quality copper alloy castings along with a variety of other materials.  I have always had an affinity for art, beginning with my formative years (as I think most children do). I dabbled in a painting class here and a drawing class there.  But, these classes always seemed to be constrained to two-dimensional art.  It was not until after a four year detour through business school (yes, I actually finished) that I received that "spark" ... that illumination of inspiration.  A brief encounter with a crude teracotta project a friend was working on was that "one" glimpse of inspiration that completely changed the direction of my life.  The next day I bought some clay and have been creating sculptures since.  Through these twenty plus years of producing sculptures, I have worked to refine my skills and continued to master aspects in the art of sculpting.  This path has followed a more unstructured education.  Books on technique and sculpture in general were read.  I became a self-described "foundry rat" constantly hanging around a local foundry in Denver that cast a variety of metals.  I enrolled in a trade school to learn the different techiques of welding and metal manipulation.  I studied anatomy at the Art Students Leaugue.  I learned patination (the coloration of metals) from one of the premier patina artists nationally.  And I occasionally gleaned some insights from short sessions with other sculptors.  I am still constantly seeking to improve on technique and ideas, projects and materials ... all in an effort to produce the most high quality, expressive and intriguing sculpture that I can create.