James Klinger
"Jame Klinger is an artist, musician, and teacher. He has a bachelor's degree in Art Education from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and he has studied at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, and Sinclair College in Dayton. James' ceramic sculpture and pottery are represented in private and corporate collections in North America, Europe and Asia. He has exhibited his art in several states since 1991.
Prior careers include eight years in architectural design, eight years in secondary art education and thirty years as a professional musician. His most recent spiritual apprenticeship was with the Peruvian teacher Oscar Miro-Quesada. James is known for his long-standing relationship with raku ceramics, an ancient, Japanese art form which combines Buddhist philosophies, raku ware, and the Zen tea ceremony. Initially pulling inspiration from the East, this Midwestern artist now weaves Andean and Celtic cosmologies into a global fusion.
A passionate Ecologist, James says his work remembers the time when the mineral, plant and animal kingdom were sacred. He believes we must strive to reconnect with nature to heal ourselves and our planet".