Deborah Vivas and Melissa Smith

Vivasmith stands for the last names of it's founders Deborah Vivas and Melissa J. Smith. It means forgers of life - adequate for the couple, as one carves her way with metals, while the other facets her way with gemstones

Deborah is a multidisciplinary designer with a background in architecture. She approaches her designs through order, color and form. Her current work displays a combination of metals, which she fuses like a painter mixes colors on a palette. Mild steel is her canvas, which gives each piece structure and definition. Fine gold, fine silver and copper her color choices.

Melissa followed her passion and learned to cut gemstones while becoming a Graduate Gemologist at the GIA. She approaches faceting by bringing out the natural beauty of each stone. In some cases she showcases the gems inclusions, which she believes adds beauty and character to the design.

They are both dedicated to sustainability in their studio and believe that playful and interesting jewelry does not need to sacrifice elegance or ethics. Each piece can reflect a commitment to finding balance with the environment that provides our resources.