Corrina Leidy
Mixed Media

Art is an essential part of my being, a necessity I cannot ignore. It serves as a profound meditation and therapeutic sanctuary, allowing me to find solace and perhaps even assert some control. My artistic journey mirrors the intricate tapestry of life itself, unpredictable and sometimes chaos. Guided by a diverse array of materials including an assortment of objects and images, resin, oil-based metallics hand alcohol inks, I embark on a layered process. Each piece of art contains between 3-5 layers giving the work depth. While creating the layers of materials that mixed and mingle in the resin I delve into shaping and directing the ensuing chaos, carefully weaving fragments of disorder into an abstract design that resonates with my vision. Then as the negative space comes to life under my brush, I adopt the role of a sculptor, carving out narratives teeming with subject such as animals, trees, buildings, and people. This transformative stage extends beyond the mere organization of chaos, as I mold the abstract into recognizable subjects, each brimming with intriguing surprises borne from the once untamed lines, splashes, dots, and array of shapes and colors. Ultimately, my aspiration is for viewers to experience the profound joy and contentment that my art evokes in me.


I am a proud graduate of the esteemed Kansas City Art Institute and currently find my creative sanctuary in Sorrento, FL.